Hard economic times are, ironically, the best times to aggressively launch a PR campaign. When times are challenging, often one of the first decisions a business owner will make is put a halt to any and all marketing; where in reality, the most important time to market a service or a business is precisely during those slow periods. The Chinese symbol for danger is also the symbol for opportunity. If you’re smart, you’ll focus on the opportunity aspect. Think about it, when the economy is slow you, more than ever, want to reach your target market and separate yourself from the competition. Most business owners and entrepreneurs react in the typical knee- jerk way by climbing into their shell and waiting for business to improve. So these times offer even greater opportunities; while you competitors are in hiding, get yourself out there. Be creative. Think of ways to use the recession, or economic downturn as a part of your pitch. If you’re targeting the high-end market, focus on the most expensive product or service you offer. Go against the flow and offer the media a different type of story. If you’re targeting consumers that are being impacted by the economic downturn, come up with a unique cost-saving offer or market an unusual product or service. Each business will need a different approach, but keep in mind that doing nothing PR-wise during economic tough times, will result in just that – nothing.

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