Synopsis: To launch a successful TV PR campaign, you need to think like a TV producer. Meet their needs and they will meet yours. A TV-oriented public relations campaign has three primary components, you need to create a compelling visually-oriented story, be able to pitch it effectively and know who to pitch it to. Most […]
Recession-Proof PR
Hard economic times are, ironically, the best times to aggressively launch a PR campaign. When times are challenging, often one of the first decisions a business owner will make is put a halt to any and all marketing; where in reality, the most important time to market a service or a business is precisely during […]
Public Relations’ Bad PR
Synopsis: Public relations has bad PR. It is known for its fluff and hype, for the sleight-of-hand work, and, whereas, all of that exists, the glitter and flash isn’t what makes for an effective campaign. What makes media placement effective is that it tells a story, it educates, it gives the public information on a […]