What is GrandOpeningHelp.com

GrandOpeningHelp.com is a website dedicated to help business with their grand opening planning. You will find many useful tips and ideas on this web site.  If you’re having a grand opening then you can make a formal annulment in the Post Announcement.

Advertise in the Resourse Directory

If you’re looking to reach business that are having grand opening and are in need of banners, signs, invitations, decorations, brochures, entertainment, and celebrities then you need to advertise at GrandOpeningHelp.com.  For $100.00 US you advertise in the GrandOpeningHelp Resource Directory for 1 year.  Your company name, a link to your website, and a short description will be provided.  List in multiple categories for $50.00 a category.

Contact Dale to start advertising to new businesses.