A re-grand opening or a some say “a grand re-opening” is a clever way to create a buzz about your business. Over time, the everyday wear and tear along with changing times starts to rundown and date an establishment. What better way to eject employee enthusiasm, improve company image, bring pride back to a community, and increase business by investing back into your company.
Many owners remodel their store, but fail to capitalize on a marketing tool of the re-grand opening. A re-grand opening will attract new, existing, and indifferent customers to your company along with stimulating employee morale and revitalize the community about the business.
Re-grand opening marketing is the same process as a grand opening, but the business has an advantage that community leaders and the general public are aware of its existence. Inform community leaders that the company is investing into the community and making a long term commitment to be active in the business community. A re-grand opening is not just an opening of a business, but a political statement as well as a business investment.
Educate the Community and Customer,
Removing the Reluctance to Change
Communities are reluctant and don’t accept change quickly. People are creatures of habit and changing a beloved store can weaken customer faith and loyalty in management. Knowing this, it’s critical that you stress how the changes will improve customer service and enhance the shopping experience.
Educate the customer by:
- Artist rendering of the new facility
- Highlight improved features and efficiencies
- Show how expansion improves customer service
- Show an increase in job skills, placement, and improvement to employee working conditions
A re-grand opening effects store layout, customer service, parking, and employees. So it is critical that you educate customers and community during the re-model. Educate and inform as you go. This will help reduce the customer’s frustration while the remodel is happening.
Provide the customer with the following:
- Place endcap signs informing customer of product placement
- Provide maps to better guide confused customers
- Have store associates designated to assist customers
- Keep employees up-to-date on improvements so they can help with customers questions
Get the Media Involved
Work with local newspapers and television on informing their readers and viewers how the store changes will add value to the community, increase employment, add tax dollars to the community, along with showing the value of the business staying in the community.
Use a Professional Marketing Company
Professional Marketing Companies can help you produce a successful re-grand opening by:
- Developing media ads – TV, radio and newspaper
- Web development and email correspondence
- Hiring of promotional entertainment
- Develop press releases
- Contracting in-store personalities – TV, radio, and athletes
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