Advice For Lawyers on Having a Grand Opening for Your New Law Office
A Grand Opening for A Lawyers Office is not your “A” typical business that promotes their grand opening of a new office, but, there is much to be offered for those who do have a grand opening. I should start by saying a law office grand opening is really an open house for the business community. Lawyers in general are not big into personal social media networking and thus need to network the old fashion way by sending personal invites to potential clients and colleagues.
The art of networking is a skill that all business people should use and have an open house for a B2B or companies that deal in confidently can still through an open house party. Invites to the Chamber of Commerce, Financial Institutes, Insurance Companies, Real Estate Agents, Auto Dealers, and other businesses that require the use of a lawyers services should be contracted. Do not overlook government officials, the Mayor’s Office and local news organizations.
Every law office I’ve been in has the wall of legal books which is there to impress and when you invite other business people in for a catered event they too will be impressed. Plan the event for late afternoon / early evening. This allows business people to sneak out of the office a little early, but arrive home in time to have dinner with the family.
Hire a local PR firm to help distribute a press release along with hiring an event planner to assist with grand opening planning. This will allow the firm to focus 95% of it energy on company business and not planning the grand opening party.
Grand Opening Law Offices
If your law office belongs to a Country Club, make sure you invite key members of the clubs to your grand opening. This will help you build a bond with club members and allows them a personal insight into your business.
A press release should be sent to local newspapers and law trades highlighting the law firm’s experience. Since a new law firm to the community isn’t national news, local publications generally will cover a new business coming to the community.
Lastly, everyone should leave with a small legal packet that discusses in plain English, what the Law Firm specialize in and couple of business cards. The goal of this grand opening / open house is to educate potential clients about your services and allowing them to associate a face with your company name.
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