1. Define what the press release is going to highlight.
  2. Keep it to the point-press releases are no more than one page.  Structure the first ten words of the first paragraph to be the focus of the press release. These ten words are the most important and will determine if the reader continues reading.
  3. Write the press release so it is interesting, informative and newsworthy.
  4. Print the words “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” in the top left-hand margin in all caps. Follow this line with relevant contact information: name, title, address, phone number, FAX, website URL, email address and event location.   Assume they know nothing about your company.
  5. Create a headline, centered, bold type just above the first line of the body of the press release. A headline normally highlights the important, significant or shocking fact in the press release.
  6. Create a dateline – the first line of the body of your press release – that includes the city where the release is generated and the date (i.e. Chicago, IL. – March 28, 2008).
  7. Begin with a brief description of the news, who is attending–making sure you cover the who, what, why, when and where.
  8. Center these marks, ” # # #” at the bottom of the page to indicate the end of your release.
  9. Wrap up the last paragraph with a “for additional information” line, a place to find more details at and give the URL to link to more PR information.
  10. Ask yourself, “Do they have all the information?” Make it as easy as possible for media representatives to reproduce this information and make sure you have enough substance to issue a press release. Click here for press release templates and examples

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